Legends Mentoring Program

Through Legends Mentoring Program (LMP), Jake’s House provides personal support and social opportunities to individuals with autism. Paired with caring mentors, individuals with autism—or the mentees—gain a personal advocate to understand, encourage and guide them. Mentors and mentees spend regular, quality time together, developing relationships and sharing experiences that truly reward and can transform both sides.

While mentoring opportunities are limited right now, we’d still love to hear from interested parties.



NEW Registration Process:
Participants only need to fill out one form for all the workshops they wish to join.


NEW Registration Process:
Participants only need to fill out one form for all the workshops they wish to join.

Individuals with autism and their mentors create legendary stories together.

By spending quality time together, individuals with autism and mentors share meaningful experiences and build relationships that truly reward both sides. Through this sort of personalized mentorship, they often engage in impactful ways, which can lead to a sense of inclusion and improved social experiences. Further, caregivers of these individuals may also benefit from the regular respite.

Supported by the Government of Ontario, Legends Mentoring Program is currently bringing youth and mentors together as groups to engage in fun and educational activities in social settings.  These interactive workshops, collaboratively hosted by Jake’s House and diverse community partners, are tailored to different interests and include themes, such as technology/coding, athletics, traditional arts and culinary arts.

A Collaboration

Jake’s House brings you Legends Mentoring Program through the support of the Government of Ontario. For more on our collaboration, read the 2018 news release or watch the 2019 announcement.

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