Shining a Spotlight: Jake’s House Employment Training Program
Step into the inspiring world of the Jake’s House Employment Training Program, where dreams become reality through dedication and job training support for individuals on the autism spectrum. In this enlightening Q&A blog post, we’re privileged to share the heartwarming journeys of two exceptional individuals. First, we meet a participant who has turned her passion for working with dogs and animals into a fulfilling dream job, all thanks to the program’s personalized assistance.
Additionally, we sit down with an instructor from the Regal Security Training Program, a valued partner of Jake’s House, to uncover the innovative strategies and effective training methods that empower individuals with autism to excel in their chosen professions.
Join us on this uplifting exploration of empowerment, resilience, and triumph!
Participant: Chloe, 21yrs, Mississauga

Chloe (middle) attending the Jake’s House Employment Expo in 2023.
“They (Jake’s House) will make sure that they find a job that best suits your interests.”
Welcome to our Q&A featuring Chloe, a remarkable individual who has found her passion and purpose through the Jake’s House Employment Training Program. Chloe’s journey is an inspiring tale of perseverance, dedication, and the transformative power of following one’s dreams.
Today, we delve into Chloe’s experiences, insights, and the joy she finds in her dream job, working with dogs! Join us as we explore her path to success and the meaningful impact she is making in the lives of both humans and furry friends alike.
What motivated you to join Jake’s House Employment Training Program?
Well, I knew that there are really good people at Jake’s House and that they know what you’re interested in and are always willing to help you get the job that you want. So that definitely motivated me to join Jake’s House (Employment Training Program). Just like how much they care and how good they are at getting jobs. I would say that.
What is your favourite or best moment from your employment training?
I really loved it when I saw that Francesca (Employment Program Coordinator at Jake’s House) was looking at all the different jobs for people, I found that really cool how she was able to look at all the different choices.
Sometimes I would see her on Outlook emailing different people, so that’s something that I found really cool.
What new skills have you learned from your employment training that you might not have had before?
I got much better at the Excel app! I remember I was looking up the schools to help at Jake’s House and put all that information (in to Excel). So being exposed to that really helped me get better at it.
I heard you love to work with animals, especially dogs! What is your favourite part about working at Dogtopia?
Definitely seeing the dogs everyday! I’m a huge dog lover and I always love when I come into the room and they all run and jump on me.
I get to call them over, so that’s something that I really enjoy doing, seeing all the dogs. I love them; they’re so sweet.
What advice would you give to other individuals who are considering the Employment Training Program?
I would say that they should definitely look in to joining Jakes House (Employment Training Program), because they have really great owners and great employees who really care about you.
They always try to get you the best jobs possible lined up, and anything that you’re interested in, they will make sure that they find a job that best suits your interests. Overall, they’re really great people!
Employment Partner: Courtenay, Training & Protocols Manager, Mississauga

Courtenay (left) has been involved with the Jake’s House Employment Training Program since 2023.
“With a bit of flexibility and support, you may find your diamond in the rough that becomes a superstar in your organization.”
Welcome to our Q&A featuring the one and only Courtenay, the Training & Protocols Manager at Regal Security and a key partner of the Jake’s House Employment Training Program since 2023. Courtenay’s dedication shines through as he helps train, educate, and prepare individuals on the autism spectrum for rewarding careers in the security industry. His unique blend of humour and positivity not only fosters an engaging learning environment but also makes a lasting impact on those he mentors.
Join us as we delve into Courtenay’s insights, experiences, and the transformative work he does every day.
What inspired you to get involved with the Jake’s House Employment Training Program?
My involvement with Jake’s House actually came as a bit of surprise to me. I had just started in the role (at Regal Security) in May of 2023, and they said that we’re going to be doing something with Jake’s house coming up in September. I’m just like, “Jakes house, what is this?”
At first I was like, “Did we do our background research to ensure that we can do this?” You know, because what we’re doing is something that’s completely never been done before in this field. And it’s one thing to teach; I’ve had experience teaching exercise and martial arts to folks on the spectrum before. So I started asking around and got some great information and was like, “Okay, cool!” After that, I was satisfied that we’d done our due diligence, and the next thing you know we were at the at the job fair, and then fast forward to where we are today.
Can you share a success story or memorable experience from working with individuals on the autism spectrum through the training program?
The most rewarding part for me is when it’s graduation day, not because we’re getting rid of anybody or anything like that (laughs), but because you see the participants change over the course of a couple of weeks. They grow and they’re confident, and whether or not they decide to go ahead and become licensed as security guards, they’re taking a lot of information away that can really help them be successful in their in their current jobs or fields of endeavor.
For me, it’s sort of like the Proud Father type of figure. You know, being part of a profession where you we’re taught to suppress that emotion, it’s nice to be able to be free and just be human.
Has the program evolved to fit the unique needs of the ASD community since you first started teaching?
Absolutely. I will tell you that Keith (Family Programs & Strategic Projects Manager) from Jake’s House was our guinea pig; he went through the initial program that we had and in a week’s time had some feedback for us. Like I said, we dragged him in, give him lots of information, and he was such a great sport about it and gave us some really great feedback.
It enabled us to actually make the program more interesting and engaging. So now you know, when we go back to teaching folks who are not on the spectrum, it’s going to definitely be that much more of a quality program as well.
In your opinion, what are the key benefits of the Employment Training Program?
I think one of the key benefits is they’re able to see that everyone has a unique gift and calling that they have the pleasure of discovering throughout this process that we call life.
You’re really helping them to understand that everything we’re teaching them has to do with customer service, which is applicable to any and every field that’s out there for sure.
What message would you like to share with employers and organizations about the importance of supporting and empowering individuals with autism in the workplace?
I would say just give people a shot, man. Listen, at the end of the day, employers need to do their research. We talk about inclusion and not discriminating against applicants but in practice it’s still being done, right? It’s still being done. So, I encourage employers to put our money where our mouth is and stop this foolishness. Give people a chance. Like I said, with a bit of flexibility and support, you may find your diamond in the rough that becomes a superstar in your organization. The sky is really the limit.
And I think that initiatives like the Employment Training Program at Jakes House and our partnership is going to definitely help to raise awareness, and hopefully that will change as we continue to have success.