Happy Holidays to our Families

Irene and I have watched our boys grow up in a world that didn’t understand their behaviour. Often times, Jake and Jonathan were treated rudely; many times, they were ridiculed; and far too often, they were simply ignored.

We understand that many of you have had similar experiences with your children. The coldness of our world can lend you to think that your child is not understood, is not cared for or might never be loved.

Our mission as an organization is to make all families dealing with autism know that your voices will be heard and your children will never be left alone as long as Jake’s House has a voice in the world. But we need your help.

Jake’s House will survive and continue to grow, if and only if, we join as a community. We must always understand that there is far more that we have in common, than what makes us different. The level of stress for each of us, is different. Some of us have access to support services, there are too many that simply don’t.

Irene and I are two people who understand your day to day stresses. There is a very good chance that we have gone through something very similar to what you are experiencing within your family. We have been so lucky and fortunate to have so many come to the aid of Jake’s House and we have the simple goal to share all of that support with as many families as we can find.

As parents, in many cases, we are the voice of our children. It is our view that before we look to the outside world for help, we have to help each other. As long as we are able, Irene and I will continue to support the autism community across Canada in as many ways as possible.

We wish all of you a safe and peaceful holiday with your loved ones and we look forward to seeing you all in 2019.

Happy Holidays, Irene & Dave Bodanis

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